It can be needed that n?rse? ?ont?nuou?ly work on devel?ping their nursing skills and knowledge at all times but to be a nurse in UAE is not easy. To shield ?e?ple’s health, the Ministry and safety of Health ha? stressed that each one of midwives or nurses m?st m??t the absolute minimum crit?ri? to train the?r occupat??n here.
Nurses can put on f?r a position during the Min?stry of Health in Abu Dhabi or Dubai and if the application i? accepted, the individual m?y work at any of the seven emirate?.
When the nur?e needs to work simply for the Dubai Government, the application should always be taken to the Departm?nt of Health and ?edic?l Servic?s in Dubai (DOHMS).
In the event the ??pl?cant ?s ? leg?l resident within the UAE, th?n the individual should apply dir?ctly inside the M?nistry of Health. Applicants can obtain information about vacancies by ap?roach?ng government employees Nursing Department in the MOH.
All qualified nurse? applying for MOH empl?yment must c?mplete the needed registration nec?ssities and really should ??pe?r for ?n examinati?n during the mini?tr?.
Assistant n?rses and helpers do not need to get the ministry’s requ?rem?nt?. For nurses, example asking for a posture using the MOH at a grade more than assistant techn?ci?n, th?n he or she must regi?ter with the Fed?r?l Department of Nursing.
There are specific countries fr?m wher? applic?nts are exempt?d through the min?stry’s exam?n?tion that will be an element of r?gistrati?n. Specifics of those courti?r? can be purchased through the federal nursing dep?rtment from the MOH.
?hose asking for a nursing job onl?ne fr?m ov?rse?s through the ministry’s website can ??m?let? th?ir regi?trati?n requirem?nts after ?oining the services here.
Individuals who are residing h?r? ought to complete the?r registration requirements before you apply for a position.
Needed documents
Nurse? must submit this amazing d?cum?nts to the M?nistry of ?ealth after which their files would be as?e??ed for ?mployment.
– Bio-data, C.V. that should be in English
– C?p??s of their certificates or d?gr?e?
– Copies of their p?st-grad?ate degree or diplomas certificates.
– A c?py of the school lea?ing ??rtificate or ?ompar?bl? ??rtif??ates.
– ?opy in the current nursing licence which should be authoris?d through the home c?untry of appli?ant.
– Co?y of his or her w?rk exp?rience, ?igned by a senior official. The task exper?ence do?um?nts ?hould show st?rting dat? of ?mpl?yment, date of leav?ng ?mpl?ym?nt and will menti?n the po?t held.
– A ?assport c?py, ?ncl?ding entry permits to the UAE. Those who ha?e a valid re?id?nce visa must subm?t a copy.
– Three passport siz? ph?tos.
– Fill in an application form.
– All docum?nt? should be tr?nslat?d int? Arabic.
– When the nurse passes the the examination and interview. the individual will be presented the post of nurse according to the q?alif??ations.
– The job will likely be at some of the min?stry’s hospitals or clinics or even in an? med?cal district in any with the sev?n emirates.