The operation of f?nding a position tends to be daunting and hard to na?igate, ?ven for somebody with plenty of w?rk experi?nce. It can help to think of the process as an ?ng?ing ?y?le instead of a few steps.
?h? cycle of exploring ??reer f?elds ?nd opp?rt?niti?s, ass?ssing y?ur quali and skills fications, finding job leads, writing re?umes ?nd c??er letter?, interviewing for ?obs, and f?llowing up with pr?spect?ve employers is an important section of your work life not just for the initial job, but in addition for all your ?areer. Revi?it?ng the?e ph?ses to keep curr?nt with your job go?l?, qu?lific?tions, and career documents will save yo? time and guide you to manag? your career.
The job search c?cle has five phases with specific activit?es. The 5 Parts of th?s book corres?ond to those ph?ses. In each Part, you certainly will ?ractice the position s?arch activities for that phase, build?ng your ?xperienc?, learning new skills, ?nd creating doc?ments that can help you succeed in your job search.
?TEP 1: Get ready for Your Job ?earch Learn with regards to the workplace and employer ?xpe?tation?, prepare for your career, assess your skills and characteristics, and figure out your work t?rg?t(s).
?TEP 2: Find Job Le?ds Network; search for job l?ads; and cond?ct research using a variety of job so?rces, such as Internet, your c?ntacts, and print reso?rces.
STEP 3: sign up for J?bs Market yours?lf by pre- paring effective resumes and cover letters. Recognize how to fill in pr?nted applic?tions and the ways to make an application for ?obs onl?ne.
STEP 4: Interv?ew for Job? Us? techniques for getting inter??ew?, practice and prepare for various kinds of intervi?ws and interview quest?ons, pr?ctice ?ffe?tiv? interv?ewing techniqu?s, and wr?te effective thank-you letters.
STEP 5: Follow Up and Evaluate Follow up with empl?yers and evaluate and consider job ?ffers. During this phase, a career se?ker ac?ept? a career offer ?r returns to ?n earlier ph?s? to take into account an alternate job or even to explore oth?r opportuniti?s.