Looking for careers and jobs in Global Petroleum Business & Trading Est (GPT UAE) ? Before you apply for the job vacancy, it is important for you to know the information about Global Petroleum Business & Trading Est (GPT UAE). Bellow is the info of the company as well as the available job vacancies, we hope that this information will help and good luck on your career.
About Global Petroleum Business & Trading Est (GPT UAE)
Created in 1997, Global Petroleum Business & Trading Est is among the successful companies fully devoted to give customers with complete options in all questions regarding talent management, sourcing, consultancy, and recruiting of human resources. We take the time to understand our customer’s needs, and use what we know to furnish the very best nominees and services available on the market of offshore and onshore gas and oil business. With complete comprehension of the gas and oil business as well as the crucial drivers of the human resources working in it, our aim is always to supply our Clients and Candidates superiority in all facet of our service.
The exceptionally professional team at Global Petroleum Business & Trading Est supplies a service that’s based on and complies with all applicable laws and quality certificate e.g. ISO 9001:2008. The company is consequently established on the principles of ethics, service excellence, value for business, and solid bases we’ve developed with our Clients and Candidates. These lead to creating a synergistic match between Customer and nominee.
Our operational excellence is the product of several years of abundance of expertise of our team equipped with the most complete database of professionals. These talent pools empower us to match the top individuals available for those functions that meet the person and also the hiring company’s standards. We’ve got the capacities to supply skilled professionals for long-term functions, contract jobs, and consultancy services.
Where to apply for a job in UAE ?
Note: For those who wants to know about the salary offered by the company, it always depend on your qualification and position that you applied.