Insurance Clerk Job

Insurance Clerk Job Description

Work information, duties, and responsibilities of a insurance clerk are the following:

1. Compiles records of insurance policies covering risks to property and equipment of industrial organization: Files records of insurance transactions and keeps calendar of premiums due and expiration dates of policies. 2. Prepares vouchers for payment of premiums and verifies that payments have been made. 3. Fills in data on renewal policy applications and forwards applications to insurance company. 4. Compiles statistical data for reports to insurance company and departments in organization. 5. May notify insurance company of changes in property or equipment affecting insurance coverage. 6. May type amortization schedules.

Insurance Clerk Job Salary in Dubai, UAE

The salary for a insurance clerk in Dubai, UAE, may vary depending on the work location and the hiring company. Some employers or companies pay a good salary, while others prefer to offer you a market-standard salary for this job. We suggest not to focus much on the salary but to pay attention to the career growth, working environment, benefits, and cost of living while applying for a job.

Suggestion When Applying For This Job

To better qualify for the job of insurance clerk, it is good that you have at least 1-2 years of minimum experience related to this job before you apply. Also, you must be knowledgeable about the job and ensure that you meet the necessary qualifications needed by the company. If you have those requirements, you can apply online with confidence and submit your CV.

Where To Apply For Insurance Clerk Job in Dubai, UAE

If you're interested in working as a insurance clerk, then we suggest that you look for and apply for this kind of job online. The link below will take you to our partner's job posting for insurance clerk. 

Insurance Clerk Related Job Descriptions

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