GEMS Education Careers 2025

GEMS Education Careers and Job Vacancies

Looking for careers and jobs in GEMS Education ? Before you apply for the job vacancy, it is important for you to know the information about GEMS Education. Bellow is the info of the company as well as the available job vacancies, we hope that this information will help and good luck on your career.

About GEMS Education

GEMS Education, founded as Global Education Management Systems (GEMS), is an international education company. It is a global advisory and educational management firm, and is the largest operator of kindergarten-to-grade-12 schools in the world, with a network of over 70 schools in over a dozen countries. Founded by Sunny Varkey, GEMS provides pre-school, primary, and secondary education. Through its consultancy arm, GEMS Education Solutions, the company works internationally with public and private sector clients on school improvement initiatives.

The Varkey Foundation, formerly known as the Varkey GEMS Foundation, is the philanthropic arm of GEMS Education. It aims to impact 100 underprivileged children for every child enrolled in a GEMS school.

Founded and headquartered in Dubai, GEMS has offices in the United Kingdom, the United States, Singapore, India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Kenya, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates.

Where to apply for a job in UAE ?

Note: For those who wants to know about the salary offered by the company, it always depend on your qualification and position that you applied.